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Currently all seven academic units in CAST used IDEA (Individual Development and Educational Assessment) as the platform for student ratings of instruction. IDEA is meant to serve as not more than 50% of the overall assessment of a faculty member in the area of teaching. The remaining variables for the assessment of teaching very from unit to unit but often include peer evaluation, self-reflection of teaching, mentoring of students, updates to course materials, participation in […]

Faculty Success

Watermark and Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) have joined forces toward a shared vision of supporting administrators, faculty, and students with better data for learning and development.  Overview  Faculty Success organizes and builds reports on teaching, research and service activities. It enables you to keep track of your activity information just once so that many outputs can be prepared, such as annual activity reports, promotion and tenure documents, accreditation reports, your CV, your profile on […]

Microsoft Intune

What Intune is and How to Enroll Microsoft Intune is a platform used by many organizations to ensure devices accessing organizational data meet a certain baseline of security. In particular, it is most often used on “BYOD” devices and mobile devices. As a member of ISU that potentially interacts with restricted or highly restricted data, you may be asked to enroll your device. To enroll in Intune on a Windows device, navigate to the “Access […]

Requesting Administrator Privileges

Usually when using a computer, it is not necessary to have administrator access. Things like document editing and creation, web browsing, routine application use, and even installation of plugins and certain applications does not require special access. However, when installing new software or troubleshooting certain tasks (such as removing a printer and reinstalling a printer driver), administrator access is required. To balance functionality and security, a system to temporarily request administrator privileges has been developed. […]

VDI Software Catalog

When logging into, you may see multiple VDI pools depending on what major and classes you are in. Below is a description of some of the different pools and their offerings. All pools include Microsoft Office 365 and basic web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome unless otherwise noted. ================================================================ “CAST-Pool” SPSS, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Pro, EpiInfo

Remote Lab Catalog

When logging into, you may see several options under the “Desktop” tab. This article gives a description of the different labs in CAST and what software and features they have. You will only see a few of these labs based on the classes you are taking. Unless otherwise noted, all remote labs have Microsoft Office and SPSS. This article will be updated as changes are made. ================================================================ “Virtual General Use Computer Lab” Photoshop, InDesign, […]

Adjusting Microphone Settings for Lenovo T495

In the 2020 computer refresh, many individuals will have received the Lenovo T495 as their new laptop computer. An issue has been identified with the default microphone settings that may cause very poor quality and crackling/muffled sound when using the built-in microphone. To fix this issue, go to Control Panel -> “Sound” -> “Recording” tab and right click the “Microphone Array”. Select the “Properties” option to open the Properties menu. Then go to the “Levels” […]

Updating Basic Information on your Website Profile Page

Your profile page on University websites is controlled by Digital Measures. Digital Measures is a platform used to collect personal and professional information for use in CV reporting and, for certain information, display on University websites. There are a few key areas that will update information on your website profile. First, to log in to Digital measures, go to Navigate to Personal and Contact Information Near the top of this section, you can update […]

Connecting to Dept of TECH I: and S: Student Drives

To connect to either share off-campus you will need to download and install the ISU Cisco AnyConnect Client found here: Once installed launch the AnyConnect Client application and connect to the ISU network with your ulid and password. Once connected, open file explorer and click “This PC”, then navigate to the top toolbar and click “Computer” and then “Map a network drive”. Note you will need to do this twice, once for each drive […]

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