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Category: Configuring Windows 10

Requesting Administrator Privileges

Usually when using a computer, it is not necessary to have administrator access. Things like document editing and creation, web browsing, routine application use, and even installation of plugins and certain applications does not require special access. However, when installing new software or troubleshooting certain tasks (such as removing a printer and reinstalling a printer driver), administrator access is required. To balance functionality and security, a system to temporarily request administrator privileges has been developed. […]

Configuring Monitor and Display Settings

For those with multiple display monitors, it may be desirable to extend or duplicate displays. This can be done in the “Display Settings” menu found by right clicking anywhere on your desktop background: Once in the Display Settings menu, you can rearrange monitors if needed to correctly represent their positions in the real world. Windows assigns each monitor a number, but has no way of knowing which is placed on the left, right, above, or […]

Changing Default Applications

When you open a file, such as a PDF file, Windows looks to see what application is set as the default for that file extension and opens it with that application. However, the built-in defaults are often not desirable and can lead to issues in file viewing and editing. To change the default application for a file type, search for “Default Apps” in the start menu: Then, choose the file type you’d like to change […]