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What happens to a retired instructor’s ReggieNet account

What happens to a retired instructor’s ReggieNet account?

  • ReggieNet credentials typically remain active for 12-months.
  • If the faculty member does not log in to Reggienet for 12 months, the Reggienet account credentials will expire.
  • The ReggieNet content will remain unchanged and accessible online until otherwise notified.
  • The instructor or the person’s department head would have to contact the Technology Support Center to have her ReggieNet credentials reactivated.

Which portions of ReggieNet may be backed up and taken by the retiree?

  • Instructors can take any content from ReggieNet that they have personally contributed to their course(s). For specific items that may or may not be taken, consult your department head.

What is the process for handing off ownership of ReggieNet courses to another person?

  • We need to get permission from an instructor or department head before we can share content from one instructor to another.
  • To view all courses, click Sites -> View all sites.  Select the course where you are marked instructor or co-instructor.
  • For content in the Resources folder:  In the left column, select Resources -> Transfer Files
  • For content that is in the Assignments folder: Find the assignment, Select Edit, and manually copy the document content to an external destination.
  • Once permission is granted, a colleague can be added to a past ReggieNet site as co-instructor by using the Site Info tool and selecting Add Participants from the menu bar.
  • Co-instructors can copy content from past courses to current courses.

The retired faculty member plans on coming back to ISU in the fall semester to teach a couple of classes, but nothing is official yet.  Will her ReggieNet remain exactly as she had left it as a retiree?

  • At this time, content within a ReggieNet site will remain unchanged.